A day in the life with two-year-old twins

Some people you meet, and you wonder how they do it all. Elise and Matt live a life of steadfast conviction, beauty, truth, and tenderness. Even with two-year-old twins running amuck, they manage to pull off a chaotic weekend day with a steadiness, humor, and energy that is rare to behold. They love and respect one another deeply, are hard-working leaders in their careers, strengthen communities and inspire others, and parent their twins tenderly.

Ahhh, twins. You know that thing they say about how the days are long but the years are short? Yeah. Double that for twin parents. And even though parts of those long days are covered in sticky tantrum, mismatched shoes, and a spill of tears, Elise and Matt want to remember everything about right now.

Per Elise, on what's important right now: "Trying to have grace with ourselves and soak up every moment. Trying to figure out how to parent and co-parent and nurture our children’s unique spirits but making it up as we go.  Believing that love covers a multitude of sins and shortcomings. 

Watching [the twins] reveal themselves as individuals—which is so beautiful and also insanely frustrating at times.  It’s so sweet, even the horrible parts, that I don’t want to forget a thing."

So on this balmy winter weekend, we had ourselves a typical Elise-and-Matt Sunday. We played naked in the yard. We hit up the farmers market. We chased babies as they ran wild. We drank beer at naptime. Laughed until we cried. Washed the dog. Went to church. Had dinner. Cuddled and read books. All those little rituals that are so familiar, but will be so different every season as the twins grow older.

Elise and Matt, thanks for letting me experience your beautiful chaos.

For more about Day-in-the-Life sessions, click here.