They grow up fast, and when they do, they'll come searching for THESE photos of their childhood.
Hooray!! Now check your email to grab the download!
Welcome, darling parents. You've landed in the right place. All proofing and ordering are handled online through my secure ordering site.
The deadline to place your order is WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27.
That’s right, the day before Thanksgiving.
So hop to it!
In your email, you received the password to the gallery, as well as your individual password for your child. Each child, different password (sorry/not sorry — safety first!). You’ll need both of these handy, as well as your discount code, in order to make this process smooth and easy.
After you have made your selections from all relevant albums, use your discount code in the checkout page to redeem the $50 deposit per child that you already paid.
If you have further questions, please email me at hello@aleks-gajdeczka.com. You can follow me on instagram, receive my quarterly email list here, and you can learn more about Day in the Life family sessions here.
Thoughts on family, photos, and inter-generational memories.
If you could bring a photographer along with you — anywhere with you — this year, where would it be, and why?
What kind of freedom would this afford you, and what would you hope to gain?
Raise your hand if you’ve made a resolution for 2019 about being more daring. More truthful. More yourself.
What about a resolution to be a better memory-keeper for your family? To organize and print your photos, to hand the iPhone to others and ask THEM To take the photo for once, to finally learn to use your fancy camera?
How about one to embrace and be kind to your real self, and let go of a former self that just isn’t relevant anymore?
Well hello, Cyber Shopper!
I'm dropping by to give you a tiny break from all those amazing deals on the internet, and share a SUPER EXCITING secret with you (scroll all the way down for that, friend).
It’s not that I don’t want your business. Because I do – I really do. More than almost anything, friend, I want you to have your very own Day in the Life photo session next year, so that you may always look back upon the quiet triumphs, losses, minutiae, tenderness, and humor of your everyday life – and that you may do so with the kind of vivid memory that only a photograph can spur.
The most memorable photos are not ones where something amazing is happening. Usually, they’re just beautiful ones where not much is happening at all. A well-made photograph contains a richness and depth that allows us to read it like a book. It stops us first with its striking beauty, but it keeps us looking because it reveals so much about that moment in time.
This time of year, I start getting semi-panicked inquiries from strangers on the daily:
“Can you squeeze us in for a quick family session in October or November, pretty please?”
Immediately, I suspect that I know what this is all about.
So I tell people: if ALL you want is a set of beautiful, luminous photos of your family hugging and smiling, looking photogenic and color coordinated, I am NOT your gal.
You know you’ve thought it: is my family even right for a documentary session?
In a nutshell, below is a list of THIS photographer’s six dream clients. How do YOU measure up?
1. The one whose family traditions are prized above all else.
In case of flood or fire, the one thing you’d grab from your house is your photographs, because they hold the key to all that’s sacred in life. Sure, you may really love that baby blue vintage truck, your custom-built pool, or your collection of great dresses from Anthropologie. But when you think back across the years, the thoughts that get you all weepy are the traditions you’ve established with your loved ones
When I walked into this beautiful Austin home this spring, nobody was uncertain about how our documentary family session would feel. One of my favorite things about repeat Day in the Life clients is the ease with which we fall into the day, comfortable and trusting, excited but relaxed. The last time I photographed this family, Finn was a wee toddler full of big feelings. The family was renting before buying into this Travis Heights dream home some months later). There were questions. Lots.
But it turns out, these questions aren't just on the minds of scheduled clients -- they're also on the minds of those still wondering if a documentary family photo session is for them at all.
On your very first ever day of school . . .
Did you spring out of bed?
Or did your mom rouse you gently?
I’m one of those people who believes that the objects with which we surround ourselves not only reflect who we are and the values we hold dear, but that they also deeply affect our daily experience. They embolden and reinforce our sense of self-identity.
Our family identity is woven into the photos we’ve chosen, too.
Have you heard the story about how kids seeing photos of themselves boosts their self confidence? It’s based on a 1970s Tulane University study of fourth graders, asked to work with photographs of themselves daily for a period of time. The study determined that children who routinely look at photographs of themselves exhibit a 37 percent boost in self-esteem. Pretty amazing, right?